Skerrat Broodmother
Identity Card
Card Header: Types, size and tagline
- Beast
- Elite
- Unique
- Aggressive [T]
- Charge (2)[A]
- Dodge* [C]
- Pounce (3)[C]
- Beast Handler (4)[L]
- Favoured Allies (Setir Skerrat)[T]
- Powerful [C]
- Ranger [T]
- Savage [C]
- Skerrat Trainer (4, Beast Handler(3))[T]
Card Footer: Race and cost
More Information
Aggressive [T]
This model always gets a Combat Action if there are any enemy models within 3”.
Charge (2)[A]
Fight a combat against an adjacent enemy immediately after this model has moved using its Basic Movement. This model may not benefit from support but casts 2 additional Combat Stones. This ability may not be used if this model had to Move Cautiously.
Dodge* [C]
Force your opponent to turn over one successful Erac.
Pounce (3)[C]
Use this model’s Combat Action to move up to 3” and fight a combat against an adjacent enemy model.
Beast Handler (4)[L]
Activate up to 4 friendly Beasts.
Favoured Allies (Setir Skerrat)[T]
This model allows you to take models of type Setir Skerrat as allies. Those models and this model may treat each other as being friendly.
Powerful [C]
Any blows that are landed by this model must be saved with a -1 modifier.
Ranger [T]
This model may move over difficult terrain without Moving Cautiously.
Savage [C]
If all successful casts are Erac then any blows landed on the enemy must be saved with a -1 modifier.
Skerrat Trainer (4, Beast Handler(3))[T]
At the start of the game, up to 4 Skerrat(s) in the force may be given the Beast Handler(3) ability.