Young Queen
Identity Card
Card Header: Types, size and tagline
- Queen
Few kedashi queens venture from their nests
- Commander (4)[L]
- Dodge* [C]
- Ranger [T]
- Sacrifice [S]
- Spawn Frenu* [S]
- Terrain (2, Forests)[T]
- Trainer (2, Loyalty (Queen))[T]
Card Footer: Race and cost
More Information
Commander (4)[L]
Activate up to 4 friendly or allied Elites, Troops or Civilians.
Dodge* [C]
Force your opponent to turn over one successful Erac.
Ranger [T]
This model may move over difficult terrain without Moving Cautiously.
Sacrifice [S]
Discard a friendly model from within this model's command range to gain a stamina. This may be done at any time.
Spawn Frenu* [S]
Place 1 frenu adjacent to the model. You may never have more frenu on the board than you started the game with, so you may not Spawn Frenu that have have been removed through Swarm Manipulation.
Terrain (2, Forests)[T]
After deploying this model you may immediately place 2 pieces of terrain of type Forests within its command range. The terrain may not be placed over any models or other terrain features. Note: as a general principle, “within” just means that some part of the model/template is within the area. “Completely within” means that it must be entirely within the area.
Trainer (2, Loyalty (Queen))[T]
At the start of the game, up to 2 models in the force may be given the Loyalty (Queen) ability.